Stories & Insights

From the President's Desk: Thanksgiving Blessings

As I walk around the building at 160 Broad Street, I see our annual thanksgiving cards hanging throughout. There are hundreds of cards hanging throughout the building, reminding our staff, residents, and shelter guests that there are many people in our community that care about them.

November 27, 2019

As I walk around the building at 160 Broad Street where we have our administrative offices, apartments for 176 men and women, shelter for 41 women, as well as our classrooms, I see our annual thanksgiving cards hanging throughout.

These cards are part of a mailing we send to people who support the mission of Crossroads. In the mailing, there is a small thanksgiving card offered to our supporters to sign and return for us to share with our residents, shelter guests and students.

There are hundreds of cards hanging throughout the building. Our staff, residents, and shelter guests enjoy reading the cards. They are a gentle reminder that there are many people in our community that care about them. I, too, enjoy seeing and reading them.

They remind me of the many blessings for which I am thankful, such as:

  • Our Board of Directors who volunteer their time, talent and treasure
  • Our employees who are so dedicated to the mission and people we have the privilege to serve
  • Our volunteers who support our work in a variety of ways
  • Our in-kind donors who give essential items for people to move into their new apartments
  • Our donors who so generously give their personal funds to make our work possible.
  • Our community partners who work together towards ending homelessness for our neighbors
  • Our funders who provide the support and technical assistance to help us be more effective in our work

I am also thankful for having the opportunity to meet so many amazing people who are fighting every day for a better life for them and their families. Their strength and resilience is amazing to me and makes me want to work harder every day so they can spend next thanksgiving in their own home instead of in shelter or on the street or in a soup kitchen.

I wish you and all your loved ones a safe, healthy and joyful thanksgiving.

In peace,

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